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De kop en subkop vertellen ons wat je aanbiedt en de formulierkop sluit de deal. Hier kun je uitleggen waarom jouw aanbod zo geweldig is dat je er een formulier voor wilt invullen.


  • Opsommingen zijn geweldig
  • om voordelen uiteen te zetten en
  • van bezoekers leads te maken.

Whatever the nature of your business, you need people with the right expertise, knowledge and experience to help you succeed.

It's vital, therefore, to find a reliable approach to skills assessment that will help you build a detailed picture of the attributes available to you, either in your existing workforce or in the labor market.

We've produced a six-step checklist that highlights some of the most useful actions you can take to improve this aspect of your HR function.

Download the checklist to learn:

  • The questions you should ask to create a clear picture of your skills assessment goals
  • Some of the benefits of different approaches to testing
  • Why you should always be ready to evolve and adapt your skills assessment approach

