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being a female in a leadership position can be tough - so what is it like in Asia?

Posted by Louise Whitelaw on Sep 12, 2017 11:29:35 AM

The role of women in the workplace has come a long way in just a few decades. Closing the pay gap and being considered for opportunities to move up the same as men have increased positively across the world. We are seeing a greater number of women-owned businesses flourish and large corporate giants governed by female CEOs.

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Topics: industry insights, workforce planning, diversity, flexible workforce, talent management

the impact of diversity on business results

Posted by Allison Damerell on Jul 6, 2017 8:30:08 PM

Diversity: we’ve all heard how important it is in the workplace, how crucial it is in developing strategy, and how we all need to take extra steps to ensure that it’s a major factor in recruitment.

But despite how prolific the data is on the benefits of diversity, a lot of hiring managers still aren’t making diversity inclusion a priority in their hiring strategy. 

For example, a whopping 41% of hiring managers who didn’t enforce measures to ensure hiring diversity say they didn’t do so simply because they were “too busy.” Too busy? Perhaps that’s just another way to say, “we didn’t make it a priority.” 

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Topics: industry insights, workforce planning, diversity